Friday, October 21, 2011

Drive Through Oklahoma

Okay, we are on another road trip in a small Datsun Sports wagon.  John my husband, and three sons, one still in diapers.  We have been to Illinois to visit with one of John's old army buddies.  Had a great time.

It was dark and John is falling asleep at the wheel.  He pulls over and says (you guessed it) your turn to drive.
Okay, it is dark (night blind) I have never been on this freeway before (direction challenge).  I slip under the wheel, and all the BOYS are sleeeping.

It is almost daylight and I am now in Oklahoma.  I keep reading signs for buffalo farms and I'm thinking to myself, "The boys need to see a buffalo up close."  I take the next exit and follow the signs to the buffalo farm and unfortunately the gate is close.  John wakes up when the car stops, "Where are we?"

I look at him smiling brightly.  "I thought the boys should see some buffaloes up close.  They will love it."
"Ah, honey they aren't open yet."  John looks around and then pointedly looks at the boys asleep in the back.
"That's okay," I answer calling the boys awake to gaze at the buffaloes in the field.  Rubbing sleep from their eyes they say great mom and lay back down to go to sleep.

John looks at me with an eyebrow raised and says, "You do know the freeway we were on was a tole road?"
I look at him with a blank face, "Tole road?  You mean a ogre lives under the bridge?"

John laughs and shakes his head, "No, I mean you now have to pay to get back on the freeway.  Honey you have got to stop taking these side trips."  He mumbles something under his breath and I can't make out what he says.

I smile and say okay.  Turning the car I'm heading down the road, when a thought occurs, "John, how much will the tole be and do you have any money?"  Without opening his eyes John digs out his wallet and hands it over.

I tried not to take side trips, but sometimes I just have to see what is down a ramp.

Read some great blogs today.  Be sure to visit'
Lipstick Chronicles/Big Girl Panties/Amy Hatvary (I hope I spelled her last name right)  She talks about traveling alone and becoming lost at the airport.  Of course I had to let her know she wasn't alone.  Every time I go to the airport I have to ask for help.  Sometimes I am at the entrance of the wrong airline and they help me to find the right one which is across the terminal.

My youngest son always takes me to the airport and picks me up no matter how inconvenient it is.  His reasoning is he would rather not have to drive down really bad neighborhoods looking for his mother at midnight.  LOL

...then she writes/HL Windmiller/ Friday Mash - up.   She gives you links to other sites and today there were some cool funny ones.  I really enjoyed them.

Remember my books are for sale at Amazon and Smashwords.

Second Chance (it has a different cover for Amazon and Smashwords.  Mobi didn't like the size of the orginal and I couldn't make it see it when I increased the size.  Go figure)

Fainting Damsel  (same cover for both sites)

Coming out soon will be my third ebook, "Charlie"

Happy Reading!!!!

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