Monday, December 5, 2011

It's Raining

I woke up this weekend to a cloudy sky, temperature in the low fifties and rain.  Temperature in the low fifties means those of us who are desert lizards found it cold.  Don't laugh, if you were use to temps in the hundreds plus you would find it cold too.

Well, anyway back to what I was planning to write about.  The raining morning took me on a trip back into the past when my children were very young and we lived in Elfrida in a very small house.  Our house was old and the only heat in it came from a space heater in the living room and one in the bathroom.  This house was built way before air conditioning and central heating and cooling.

On rainy mornings on the weekend, I would get up and fix eggs with bacon or sausage and pancakes or biscuits for all of us.  All seven of us would sit around the kitchen table and eat.  When I was cooking the kitchen would be the warmest place in the house.  Did I mention the house was very drafty.  Yeah, it was.

Then I would wash the dishes by hand.  There was always a lot of dishes with seven people in the family.
I would start some yeast softening for bread and cinnamon rolls I planned to bake that day.  There was a theory to my madness.  If I baked all day the house not only smelt like heaven, but the old house would be cozy warm.

My family loved home made breads, cookies, pies, candies and etc.  I could throw a pie together in a blink of an eye.  My husband John and I would be sitting in front of the television and he would say a coconut cream pie would really hit the spot.  I was up and had a pie for him in less than an hour and this was without store bought fillings.  I always made my own fillings.

Cooking and baking always gave me a feeling of accomplishing something back than.  It was a creative outlet I guess.

So, back to my baking on a rainy Saturday.  We had five kids, four boys and one girl, yet I don't remember my house being filled with screaming, crying, and yelling.  We had taught our children well, that when they were inside we expected them to use inside voices and no one horse played in the house.

We would play board games together, cards or work on a jig saw puzzle.  John my husband had cut some plywood down for us to work the jig saw puzzles on and this way it could be moved out of the way, which meant we could do the big jig saw with a thousand pieces.

We also read a lot and watched television.  The kids would play quietly on the floor in the living room and they all drifted through the kitchen to nibble on something cooling from the oven.

Lord, I can see those plate full of cookies, fresh rolls cooling on a rack and a plate of cinnamon bread and sometimes a cake or a pie depending on what I had on hand.

Yup, I miss those days, especially on a rainy Saturday morning when I only have myself to cook for and of course I am always on a diet of some kind.  I need to find a diet that includes all my desserts and chocolate chips.  But once in a while I will give in and cook myself an old fashion breakfast.  Yummmm!

Does the weather bring back memories of another time to you?  I would love to hear about them.

See you around the block. Lynn Viehl has a list of gifts to give a writer.
Hank Phillippi Ryan wrote an entertaining blog about remembering names. He has a hard time doing it. I let him know I have a hard time remembering names too. K. B. Owen's blog is about Charlie Chan. She also has a quiz dealing with detective characters.

Books on sale at Smashwords and Amazon for $.99

Second Chance at Smashwords

Fainting Damsel at Smashwords

Second Chance at Amazon

Fainting Damsel at Amazon

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