Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Time With The Boys

I know I am late getting my blog up, but things happen you know. I was really upset over it until I gave myself a good talking to. I mean really, if a blogger has nothing new today on their blog I will check the blog out tomorrow to see if there is anything new. I'm sure other blog readers do the same. I would get this done and it could be read tomorrow.

Last night my oldest son John (named after his daddy) took me to ASU Gammge theater to watch the stage performance of Irving Berlin's White Christmas.

This is one movie with Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye I watch at this time of year. So I was interested to see how they would do this on the stage.

They of course had to leave some stuff out and move some stuff to happen at different times then they had happen in the movie.

But I enjoyed the performance and found my self really interested in how they made it snow on the stage.

In the barn scene were they throw open the doors, because it is finally snowing. The stage production had glittery snow falling. It was gorgeous. Then in another scene, the snow was coming out of these things hung in front of the stage and the air conditioning they had on blew the snow onto the stage. I loved it.

Of course the music was fantastic and the singers good, but I adore the movie. It is still the tops.

What made this night really special, is the time I spent with my son. It was just the two of us sharing mom and son time. I love those kind of times. Don't get me wrong, I love my daughter in laws, but it is nice to have time with your own child.

Last week my youngest son Toney brought over the exterior floppy disk reader I needed. I had about 25 stories on floppy disks and could not get to them. My tower is newer and didn't have this capability. He also took me out for lunch.

Generally speaking my boys forget to make time for their mom and when they do I soak it up like a cat sitting in the sun shine in the middle of winter soaking up the warmth.

The older I get the more precious this time is and I don't get to have as many of these precious times as I would like.

Later on I will write more stories about the past as they come to me, but sometimes I would like you to know what is going on in the here and now.

Working on my Charlie book and almost have it ready to upload as an e book. Making a few changes here and there. Will have to consider what price to put on it since I read Elle Lothlorien's blog, I have a link below to it.

A lot of the blogs I follow are by fellow authors and they are always writing great advice. I haven't learned enough yet to share it and hope some day to be able to do that. Until then my blog is for entertainment only for the reader and me. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do writing it.

See you around the block.

A face book friend Erin Kern directed me to this site.  It makes fun of the Twilight movie.
Twilight movie

Ray Rhamey is offering authors the chance to have your book advertised on his blog.

Liana Brooks  has a music clip.  The video is set up like Star Wars with two cello players.  I thought it was fantastic.

Elle Lothlorien  wrote on Joe Konrath blog.  I linked her name to this blog.  She talks about pricing e books.  I think what it boils down to is a crap shoot.  We will have to experiment and find out what works.  As a newbie e book author I am finding it a little confusing.  I wish us luck to all the writers out there trying to figure this out.

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