Monday, December 12, 2011


Woke up to a rare rainy day in Phoenix.  Wow!  It's really neat.  We do like to experience different weather off and on.  I mean really sunshine and all that can get old.  So on a day like today, you will find our faces filled with excitement and amazement.  I know you think we are crazy.  Maybe we are, but we know how to appreciate bad weather.

I have been busy.  No unfortunately not with my writing, even though I did write a few new ideas and beginnings of stories down.  I have been busy with family.

Last week I went to the Gammage Theater with my oldest son and saw Irving Berlin's White Christmas.  I really enjoyed it, but I still love my copy of the movie with Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye. 

Then over the weekend I visited with my sons, Wayne, Jesse and Toney.  They put in a new radiator in my car.  I had been complaining it was losing water.  Which isn't water anymore, it is a mixture of anti-freeze and water.   More pricey to keep refilling.  Then we went out to eat at The Keg next to the Chandler Fashion Square Mall.  Fantastic steaks, let me tell you. 

I don't remember how we got on the conversation of how their dad use to buy a second hand car, but it did come up and we had some great laughs over.

My husband big John would buy a car by how it looked.  I was the one looking under the hood and making statements like:

Me:  "There isn't any water in the radiator.  I am sure that is a bad sign."

John: " Look at the lines of this car.  Wow, it is fantastic!"

Me:  "But John the motor doesn't sound that great.  There's a miss."

John:  "Don't you love this color of blue?"

Me:  "It looks like a pimp car!  Really, it does."

John:  "I'll take it!"

Me:  "But John, I am the one that will have to drive it."

John:  "I'll take it!"

I frown and look at the salesman who is grinning ear to ear.  He knows he has made a killer deal with a man who likes the looks of a car.

Drove the car home and next day it wouldn't start.  The dealer had to do a ring job on it for free.  When John gets mad people seem to do what he wants.

The car also had a little quirk when it rained and you drove through a puddle, you would lose your breaks.  We never could figure out why that happened.  Thank God we lived where it didn't rain that often.

Believe me, when that car finally died, I did a victory dance.  I bought myself a brand new Saturn and I have been driving it for eleven years.  Best car I ever had.  First thing I looked at was how fast would it go.  That was important to me after being stuck in a car, whose top speed was ninety. 

I always love visiting with my kids.  What parent doesn't, is the question?

Sunday evening found me at Westwood High School watching a granddaughter and a grandson perform in their Christmas program "Canticle in Carols".  Granddaughter had a solo and grandson sang with four other young men.  Loved the music, they did such a fantastic job.

Took me back when my children were in school and I attended all of their performances.

See you around the block.

Remember I also have books for sale:

Second Chance on sale for $.99 on Smashwords.

Fainting Damsel  on sale for $.99 on Smashwords.

I also have both on sale at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Apple.

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